How does remote coaching work?

After we have decided we are a good fit to work with eachother this is how it works:

Step 1: We start with a talk. I want to hear about your goals and your struggles. If you are experiencing pain, I want to know when did it start, what makes it feel better and what makes it worse? What would you like to be doing that you can’t? Why haven’t you succeeded in reaching your dream body composition yet?
Step 2: I assess you from top to bottom. Depending on your goals we will look at anything from your flexibility, mobility, to your strength balance, your endurance and your current training level. I also look at how well you deal with stress and how your nutrition, recovery and lifestyle factors are set up. All this is done remote, via app with detailed instructions by me.
Step 3: We connect in another video call and I show you what was found in the assessment and explain what we will be working on and why. We talk about how best to integrate it into your schedule and what other factors play a role to make you successful.
Step 4: You get your individualized 1:1 remote program along with instructional videos in one handy app or daily e-mails. It’s almost like I am standing next to you: You can film yourself to get valuable feedback on execution or make notes on the exercises. Your comments, videos and results allow me to plan your progression from week to week.
Step 5: You are not alone on this journey. I am always available for questions via the messenger in the app and Video calls. Monthly scheduled talks make sure you are progressing as fast as possible and for me to understand where you are currently at in terms to your goals and challenges, as well as what else is going on in your life that needs to be considered.
Step 6: We celebrate reaching your milestones and goals. Question: When we get there, what is next for you? What more can you accomplish?

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