Nobody is coming to save you

The day you realize there is no Superman, is the day you can start flying yourself. Hardest part of this being an adult might be to realize: Nobody is coming to save you.

When you are feeling unmotivated and waiting for things to change… nobody will come and wave a magic wand to motivate you.

When you are feeling overwhelmed and are holding out for “things to get better once this project is done”… there will be another project looming after.

When you are blaming your past for your current situation… there is nobody who can swoop in and change what happened to get you here.

Release your partner from the gigantic burden of picking you up or patting you on the back any- and everytime you need it, stop expecting your friends to pick up your cues… stop waiting for Superman. If you want help, ask for it. But nobody can do the work for you.

Change starts with excepting responsibility for your actions and your feelings. Step two is to realize what is in control: It is not in your control if you are waiting for someone to swoop in and save the day. What you can do instead is manage your tasks, do the work, keep showing up even if “you don’t feel like it”.

Accept that some things won’t be perfect, change what you have in your control, forget what you don’t. Go be your own superhero.

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