What I learned in 10+ years of coaching

Personal changes of any kind take time and work and most important KNOWLEDGE about what you need to work on. Here is in a nutshell, what I learned in the last 10+ years coaching 1000+ clients:

  • Your weight (in kgs) is the worst measurement of your well-being or looks or self-respect. Don’t let a number define your worth. The total amount of training hours is less important than consistency, intensity and function
  • Get a good Coach. For anything in life (school, training, food, mental…) I found someone who has walked the path and learned from the experience. They share their mistakes so that I don’t have to painfully make the same.
  • There are no “best exercises” for getting pain-free or fitter or performing in your sport. It’s always about assessing where you are, what you want to achieve, what your biggest deficits are and picking the right exercises to give you what you need.
  • Any body composition change, training change, well-being change starts and ends in the kitchen. This is not about crash-dieting. It’s about finding a way for you to eat “clean” 80% of the time, 365 days of the year. What diet that is for you will be highly individual. I’ve seen anything work from Paleo, Keto, 800g challenge, vegan, vegetarian…
  • Don’t fall for the “Quick Detox” two week program or other magic pills advertised everywhere. Real change relies on you making significant changes to what you do currently. It’s simple, but it won’t always be easy. But you will love the reward. (Yes, I can’t say I am not proud of my change.)
  • Get started. It’s never too late. In two months you would wish you’d started today. (I was the fattest kid in my school and always last in sporting events, it only changed when I was 18…) If I can do it, you can too!

If you are not sure where to start, send me an e-mail at coachlindamorgi(at)gmail.com or schedule a call with me here: www.calendly.com/lindamorgi/

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